About the Course:
This course by Energy Safety Canada, H2S Alive for Alberta worksites, teaches workers how to safely operate in hydrogen sulphide (H2S) environments. H2S, also known as sour gas, acid gas, stink damp, or sulphurated hydrogen, is a naturally occurring gas. It is colorless, heavier than air when pure, and extremely toxic, capable of dulling the sense of smell. At low levels, it emits a foul odor resembling rotten eggs and can lead to eye and throat irritation. In high concentrations, it poses a risk of fatality.
For these reasons, training to protect yourself is crucial in any industry where H2S might be encountered. This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge to help them identify and detect H2S, mitigate the hazards of working in an H2S environment, and respond to an incident involving an H2S release. It includes both theory and practical application exercises.
Full : Government - issued picture ID
Recert : a current H2S Alive issued by Energy Safety Canada plus Government issued ID
Course Content:
H2S properties
Health hazards and locations
Hazard assessment and control
Respiratory protective equipment
Detection of H2S
Initial response strategy
Participants must be able to put on a mask and breathe under air
Participants must be able to participate in rescue drag techniques
Basic literacy and understanding of the language the course is being taught are required
Students must be on time and present for all course content instruction. Students who miss any course content cannot be certified, and registration fees will not be reimbursed.
Course duration may continue beyond 4:30 pm if needed
Course Completion:
Upon successful completion of the course and examination
a minimum score of 70% on a multiple-choice exam
3-year certification in H2S Alive from Energy Safety Canada