Most cardiac arrests, stroke or severe choking emergencies happen at home, in public places and workplaces. If you ever witness one, chances are it will happen to a family member or someone you work with or care about.
Come learn these skills in a safe, professional setting. Each of our talented instructors (sorry not Adam from the video) have planned learner centered activities geared towards building each participants confidence to recognize an emergency and take steps to respond.
Here is what Christine wrote about her class.
"This is the best AED and First Aid class I have ever attended and would strongly recommend this instructor “Bob” and this course to everyone. Very helpful, practical, and not a minute of boredom. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Bob deserves huge kudos for making such an important course fun but also very practical and useful. He was successful in bringing back my confidence to one day be able to save precious lives especially if my close family or work teammates needed my help. Thank you" Christine Sept 21, 2022
We are a trusted Canadian Red Cross Provider for over 25 years.
We are a recognized educator of Pre-Hospital programs for over 20 years.
Our courses are delivered in accordance with Alberta Occupational Health and Safety course requirements
Professional classroom settings with conveniently located locations in the Calgary & Red Deer Area.
We only offer Alberta and Canadian approved workplace programs.
We are a Canadian Red Cross Instructional Development Centre for First Aid and CPR, Psychological First Aid, as well as Professional Responder level programs.
Mobile First Aid courses are available upon request.
Free parking is available at at all 3 locations!
How to choose the best course for you?
One of our Customer Service Associates would be happy to assist you. Some employers or educational institutions may have already told you what level of course to attend, if you can't find it on our website, please call or email our office. 403-670-5406 or
